Existing division websites consolidated to form one streamlined experience
The Arkansas Department of Agriculture has launched a new website that combines curated content from each of the department’s divisions into one streamlined user experience. The newly designed agriculture.arkansas.gov provides a user-friendly design and consolidates the existing websites of the Natural Resources Division, the State Board of Registration for Foresters, and the Arkansas Water Well Construction Commission that were added to the Department under the Transformation Act of 2019.
“We are excited to offer an updated and more efficient website to serve as a comprehensive resource for our customers and stakeholders,” said Department of Agriculture Secretary Wes Ward. “It was a pleasure working with the Information Network of Arkansas on the new website, and we appreciate the team’s hard work.”
Developed in partnership with the Information Network of Arkansas (INA), the enhanced website features a fresh, modern look designed to ensure an inclusive user experience across all platforms. Simple navigation powered by a robust search engine allows for quick access to division services and information, and responsive design ensures the site looks great from any device.
Existing online payment services and seedling orders are still available on the site, and new online payment services will be added as they become available.